Parkinson’s Pointe is a non-profit health promotion and wellness center in the Denver metro area that supports people affected by Parkinson’s disease through community connection, peer mentorship programs and PD specific exercise and education classes.

Female icon wearing glasses - Persons with Parkinsons

Persons with Parkinson’s

“You have Parkinson’s…”

These words change lives. The lives of over 1 million Americans and 17,000 Coloradans.

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eyeglasses icons - care partners

Care Partners

Need resources or information?

Are you a caregiver or a medical professional looking to support a Person with Parkinson’s?

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open book - community support and donors

Community Support/Donor

How Can You Help?

Make a positive impact on how chronic disease is managed and support people impacted by Parkinson’s Disease

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Watch & Listen

Each month, we offer a variety of education, nutrition, mentorship connection and exercise events.

View Program Schedule

Upcoming Events this Summer

Movie Night for Rooted 303

When:  Friday, July 26th 7pm to 11pm

Where: Indoors at East Community Center

Join us for movie night, food will be available.

Connect with High Schoolers

When:  Wednesday, July 31st 10:30am to 11:30am

Where: East Community Center

Join us for a special coffee and connect.    RSVP now

Description: Come and connect with local high school students in a leadership course.  Many of these students have extraordinary stories.  We want you to leave feeling connected to these youth, inspired and empowered by each other through exercising and spending quality time together.  The students will join us for fitboxing, coffee and connect and yoga.  Their teacher, Shawn Stein, will be participating and assisting facilitating our time together.  This special coffee and connect will have time for sharing stories, connecting and team building.  Join us for the full day or just coffee and connect.  We would prefer if you can participate in one exercise class with the coffee and connect to help further connect with students.

Trivia Potluck Luncheon

When:  Tuesday, August 13th 12pm

Where: East Community Center, Spin Room

Begins at 12 pm in the spin room, bring a dish to share