A diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) can be devastating at any age. But there’s hope! Parkinson’s Pointe Pathfinders is a mentoring program created by people with Parkinson’s, like yourself, to help ease the transition for the newly diagnosed. There’s so much more living left to do!
So many questions…
- How do I tell my family and friends?
- When is the right time to tell my work?
- Will people view me differently?
- How can I stay active?
- As a spouse, what is my role ?
- How will this disease change my life?
- How do I connect to the PD community?
The Pathfinders Program at Parkinson’s Pointe provides those who have been recently diagnosed the opportunity to meet with peers who have been living with Parkinson’s Disease and are thriving.
Meet with someone who has been down a similar path. Ask the tough questions that are foremost on your mind. Benefit from their experience. Understand how you can thrive despite Parkinson’s. If you’re not careful, you might even make a friend.
Goal of Advising Program:
- “To share our experience as people with Parkinson’s with newly diagnosed people and their support partners, in order to help ease the process of integrating into the Parkinson’s community.”
Who the Program serves: People with Parkinson’s and/or Support Partner
- Newly diagnosed by the doctor with Parkinson’s (1-3 years)
- Those struggling to thrive
- Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (diagnosed before the age of 50)
Who will provide the Advising:
- Someone living with PD or a Support Partner
- Who embodies the qualities of:
- Comfortable dealing with uncertainty
- Demonstrates high level of resilience or self-efficacy
- An attitude of realistic optimism
- Portrays hope and inspiration for a high quality of life
- Ability to relate to others, is open and honest, and can work within the need to be vulnerable to be of assistance
Research behind the Program Shows:
- People who engage in peer-to-peer mentorship are more likely to continue to exercise and change their health behavior habits.
- Self-efficacy and resiliency can be developed through goal setting, peer mentorship, coaching, and engagement in daily feedback
- The number one barrier to exercise for people with Parkinson’s is low outcome expectations.
Pathfinders Mentor Interest
Interested in being a mentor? Tell us more
about yourself and why you would be a good fit.
This program is supported by a community grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation.